The Friday Feeling with Adrian Picton

All about The Friday Feeling.

Join me every friday afternoon from 3 to 6 PM UK time (10 AM to 1 PM US Eastern) for a show full of great music and fun features to get you in the mood for the weekend.

In the first hour, we have the Extended Oldie which could be an album or 12-inch version of a song.

In the second hour we have The Same Old Song which is where we play two songs together; the second one being one which either seems to copy the tune of the first or be somehow influenced by it in another way.

In the final hour, it's the Twisted Lyric where we tell you a funny interpretation of a song lyric; then tell you the correct version and, finally, play you the song in question to see if you think it does actually sound like the misinterpretation or the real words.

Also in the final hour, we play feel good songs to get you in the mood for the weekend ahead.

On top of this, to keep you on your toes, we have a brain teaser, which we give out in the first hour, but which might run throughout the show, depending on how quickly someone gets it right.

Your requests and suggestions for songs for the various features are very much encouraged, too, so do drop me a line or contact me during the show.

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